Join Chris and his followers when he discusses growing up in a haunted house, and what the dead fear. Link to show: Seeing the Unseen
Each week Chris pulls cards for his viewers who enter the Chat room. Be amazed at the reactions when he is able to tap into the unseen for guests he has never met, is not seeing in front of him (he's only looking at a camera) and how he "just knows" what is going on with each of them.
One viewer exclaimed:
"How is it possible you know that, I just landed here by accident!"
Tune in every Friday night and Sunday morning. You will be amazed.
Christopher's show is recorded at Crescent Room Music Studios in Phoenix and is produced by Jack London.
For interviews or speaking engagements please reach out to Ashlee at the Felice Agency at or by calling/texting 602-875-5664
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